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Miss Gladys Winter Ranks Highest and Will Be Veladictorian and Rolland Wilson Comes Next and Will Be Salutatorian — Both Residents of Dakota Village— Interesting Announcement by Principal Webster Davis.
Gladys Winter with an average grade of 95.32 was today declared to be the valedictorian of the class of 1915 of the Winona High school and Holland Wilson with an average grade of 94.68 the salutatorian of the class, by Principal Webster Davis before a general assembly of the student body of the school.
The honor roll of this year's graduating class oj the High school consists of fourteen students who have performed the work of their High school career with an average grade ibove 90 per cent. This compares very favorably with the honor roll of last year's class, which contained the names of fifteen students out of a class of eighty while this year's class will have only about 60 members.
Mr. Davis congratulated the school, the faculty and those on the honor roll for the excellent record they had made after his announcement had been received by the student body.
Winner of First Honors
Gladys Winter, the valedictorian, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Winter of Dakota, Minn., her father being a fruit raiser. Misa Winter was born in 1897 and, although a student in Dakota, received most of her education in a little, rural, one-roomschool-hoese at Richmond, Minn. There she easily led her class and almost invariably carried off the reward of merit cards. She finished the later years of her grade schooling in Dakota, where she completed her work with high honors under Miss Cora Dickson, now Mrs. Frank Morrisey of Winona.
Miss Winter is a graduate of the literary course of the Winona High School having completed the subjects of that course with the exceptionally fine average of 95.32. Thruout her school career here she had done tplendid work and taken much interest and active.part in the different interests o£ the High school. She has been on the Radiograph staff and was editor in chief of a recent number. She also did splendid work as a member of the Junior Dramatic society a rear ago.
Second Honors Winner
Rolland Wilson, the salutatorion oi his class, is the son of Mr. and Mrs, C . E. Wilson, also of Dakota, Minn. Mr. Wilson was born in 1895, and as a student of Dakota, proved himself very competent in his school work, re ceiying very high marks. He completed his school work there in 1908 under Miss Agnes Hatch, four years before he took up his High school ionrse in Winona. C- B. Wilson, his father, is a physician and surgeon at Dakota. Mr. Wilson will be a graduate of .he classical course of the High school with an average grade of 94.68. Mr. Wilson has proved himself a consistent and excellent student all thru his school career and he has also taken an active interest in the affaiTs of Sis class and school. Conddentally, both Miss Winter and Mr Wilson, both residents of Dakota, started school at the same time and will complete their preparatory school work together with very high grades, the highest of their class, a worthy showing. An interesting feature of the honor roll which those people lead, is the fact that half of its members are boys and half are girls.
Obituary published in the Winona, Minnesota, Daily News on January 11, 1974.
Dr. Rolland Harvey Wilson. 78. who retired from medical practice in Winona in 1965, died at 5:10 a.m. today at Commu-nity Memorial Hospital. He had been ill 10 years.
He located in Winona in July 1929, was appointed Winona County Physician in 1932, serving in that capacity about 15 years, and was elected city health officer in 1950.
He was a member of the Harmony, Minn., Greenfield Ma-sonic Lodge A.F. & A.M.: Winona Scottish Rite Bodies: Osman Temple of the Shrine St. Paul; a life member of the Winona County Historical Society, honorary member of the American Medical Association and the Minnesota State Medical Society of which he was past president, and served on the Minnesota State Welfare Committee about 20 years and was a member of the Winona County Medical So-ciety. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church and had served as senior warden and vestryman.
The son of Dr. Clarence E. and Etna Harvey Wilson. be was born at Dakota, Minn., April 30, 1895. He attended Dakota schools, was a 1915 graduate of Winona Public Schools, attended Hamline University. St. Paul, two years and received the degree of medical doctor from the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1923. He served in the Army Medical Corps in World War I. On Sept.17, 1921, be married Hildred Thurow at Winona.
Dr. Wilson practiced in Harmony, Minn., six years. then was at Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis, where he did post graduate work in surgery prior to locating in Winona.
Survivors are: his wife; three sons, Dr. Louis Wilson, Rushford, Minn.; David D. Wilson, Waukesha, Wis, and Rolland H. Wilson, Jr., Minneapolis: eight grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Earl (Alice) Smith, Winona, and Mrs. Wilfred (Sylvia) Quinlivan, Lakewood, Col.
Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m., Monday at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the Rev. A.S. Lawrence, Jr., officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.
There will be no visitation. Fawcett Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
A memorial is being arranged.