Most Wanted

 Elusive People

John Henry Wilson and Two Unidentified Individuals

The person in the center is John Henry Wilson and the picture was taken in St. James, MN, but we don't know who the other two persons are. They may have been Caswell cousins
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Two Unidentified Women

This photo was in Shirley (Wilson) Virnig's collection. There is no inscription so we don't know who they were. If you have any ideas, please leave a comment.
Wilson Couple?

We suspect this is a picture of one of the Wilson Brothers and his wife, but we don't know who it is. Could it be Willis, George, or William Wallace?
Two Girls, Winona, MN

This very grainy portrait of two girls was taken in Winona, MN. Who are they?
Unidentified Woman and Baby

Who are these individuals? They are probably Clarence Edwin Wilson and Gertrude (Murray) Wilson, but we would like to get confirmation.
Perhaps James Judson Wilson Family Members

We think these may be members of James Judson Wilson's family. Can anyone identify the persons in this picture?
Unknown Family Portrait

This picture was sent to me by Linda Luther way back in 2004. She did not know at the time who these people are. Can anyone help?
Wilson Brother (Possibly Loylan?)

This photo was taken at Bauer Studio in Winona, Minn. Odds are it's a Wilson brother. The years Bauer was at 117 W. 3rd St. was 1893/94. It may be Loylan Wilson who would have been 33 to 34 years old during those two years. And, also according to the genealogy report, he was still in the Dakota area at least until 1900.
Man with a cane in front of a house

Theresa speculates that this might be Loylan Wilson as he is never got married and the man is standing alone in front of his house. "If the man in the photo were married, you'd think he'd be with his wife". Does anyone know anything about a Wilson brother using a cane?
Unidentified Homestead

This was on the back of picture postcard. It could be Delbert's, Willis', or Frankie's homestead.
Wilson Brother Modeling?

Another picture we have identifies Delbert and John Wilson modeling clothes. Could this be a picture of another Wilson brother modeling?

We now think this is a photograph of Etna Harvey, Larry's great-grandmother, as a young girl. Later pictures of Etna show a very sad looking individual, although it was thought that her demeanor may have been due to her divorce from Larry's great-grandfather, Clarence Wilson. Any additional information on this photograph would be greatly appreciated.
Unidentified Couple

Does anyone know who these people are?

 Mystery Photos

Picture of House, possibly in Parker, SD

This photo was in a packet of other photos of the famiy of Del and Gert Wilson. It may be their house in Parker, SD, but we would like to get positive identificaion, if possible.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: House in Parker, SD?    

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