by Lawrence Osborne, 2012, Kindle edition, Hogarth
I chose this book as something to read about Morocco because I would be traveling there. I didn’t finish it until a few days after returning, and I am glad that it worked out that way. We traveled to Erfoud in the southeast of Morocco on our journey where we visited a fossil shop and purchased a small specimen that we will be using as a serving tray. We also traveled farther into the Sahara Desert later that evening. The novel centers around this area and the fossil diggers but provides a lot more insight than what we were able to see in the short amount of time we were there, particularly into the minds and culture of the Berber natives.
The novel centers around what appears to be an accidental death of a young man along a road when an Englishman and his wife are traveling to a party hosted by some wealthy individuals who have built a stupendous enclave in the desert. The story unfolds very slowly as it focuses on the psychological interplay between the characters, especially the profligate foreigners versus the natives. I was tempted to put the book down and not finish it, but the more I read, the more it enticed me. I became more interested due to my recent trip to the region than I would have been otherwise.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has a strong interest in this area of Morocco.